The worst crimes all involve murder. That’s of all the established crimes and unfortunately this stretches to assisted suicide. I have no doubt that death is bad and when it’s not the choice of the victim it’s a terrible thing to do to anyone. I think everyone can understand this “too cruel to do and to force on someone and to happen to anyone” when it comes to murder. So such great lengths are taken to prevent death. But there’s an massive lack of understanding and appreciation of what it’s like to face what’s worse than death. There is a massive gap to be bridged when it comes to “too cruel to…” when it comes to suicidal feelings. This was true before the institution of psychiatry was established and it’s still true now. Thus I have faced more of what’s top cruel than anyone should and more than anyone could except in a civilisation of monsters. Such great lengths are taken to prevent death even when it’s chosen but fuck all is done to prevent what’s worse than death or to keep suicidal feelings as brief as possible. The prevailing wisdom (or lack thereof) is that the suicide system and suicide laws mustn’t care about what suicidal individuals want and there’s absolutely zero understanding of “too cruel to…” when it comes to the experiences of those who face what’s worse than death. I understand death is bad and I understand the severity of experiencing what’s worse than death but in this civilisation of monsters this is irrelevant. But it is so basic to recognise the nature and severity of suicidal feelings. Unfortunately I live amongst monsters and the monsters who call themselves the human race are too evil to be able to care. So they’re still making me want to die and they’re still denying me my death. It’s because of their beliefs and standards that’s why they can’t care and why I can’t live. 

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